1996 |
- February 23
- Haruna Beverage Inc. founded with capital of 30 million yen
- May
- First IPO preparatory committee held
- August
- Monthly statement of accounts disclosed to financial institutions
- November
- Marketing headquarters established in Tokyo
1997 |
- March
- Employee stock ownership plan inaugurated
- May
- Haruna Beverage research institute established
- June
- Operation of the No. 2 plant commenced
- October
- Investigation and guidance by Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC commenced
2000 |
- February
- Operation of the No. 3 plant commenced
- May
- Joint committee for the acquisition of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) certification
2001 |
- August
- No. 3 plant certified as JAS plant
2002 |
- February
- Recycle system council inaugurated
- August
- Quarterly report meeting held
2003 |
- April
- Environmental accounting introduced
- April
- Market development department established to strengthen corporate competitiveness
- April
- Product development department established with the aim of transforming into a proposal-based company
- April
- Comprehensive sanitation management committee inaugurated
- August
- Small and medium-sized enterprises reform plan approved (Act on Supporting Business Innovation of Small and Medium Enterprises)
- October
- Industry-academia-government joint project “Dekates” (Takasaki University of Health and Welfare, Gunma Prefecture)
- December
- Human resources education investment, production rationalization investment, comprehensive sanitation management (HACCP) investment
- December
- Expansion of clean room and filling equipment
2004 |
- March
- Exhibited at international food and beverage exhibition FOODEX JAPAN 2004
- October
- Basic principles for managing human resources enacted
2005 |
- March
- Logistics company established
- April
- Business school founded
- October
- Ryokuchi Koen Haruna Community Garden established
2006 |
- January
- Embarked on company-wide IT enhancement
- September
- HACCP approved (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Kanko-Hatsu No. 0912001)
- October
- Exhibited at the Global Citizen Week 2006 environmental activities exhibition
2007 |
- April
- Wellness Science Research Institute inaugurated
- April
- “YOSHI-GO” green tea announced for EU export
- June
- Entered into business acquisition agreement with Oh-Pai Co., Ltd. Factory preparations commenced at Tanigawa.
- October
- Joint venture company Haruna Europe established
- December
- Haruna Group general meeting commenced
2008 |
- January
- Operation of Tanigawa plant commenced
- April
- Partnership sponsor support for professional baseball team Gunma Diamond Pegasus
- June
- Issuing of CSR reports commenced
2009 |
- January
- Operation of Tanigawa plant natural gas facilities commenced
- April
- Haruna Group restructuring started
2010 |
- January
- New business strategy center established
- March
- New product development project team inaugurated
- May
- Haruna vision 2015 announced
- July
- Haruna Group corporate code of conduct and behavior enacted
2011 |
- February
- 15th anniversary commemorative magazine “Hajime Nakereba Hajimarani” published
- March
- Company name changed from Haruna Ecology Inc. to Haruna Inc.
- June
- Energy countermeasure committee inaugurated
2012 |
- January
- Earthquake contingency planning committee inaugurated
- February
- Plant system innovation “visualization” control room completed
- February
- Haruna Group historical archive building established
- August
- Energy conversion of the Haruna plant (converted from fuel oil A to city gas)
2013 |
- April
- Joy pack Co., Ltd. joins Haruna Group
- July
- Haruna Asia Co., Ltd. established
- October
- In-house blow bottle molding machine introduced, operation commenced
2014 |
- April
- Joy pack Co., Ltd. becomes 100% subsidiary company. Company name changed to Haruna Joy Pack
- June
- Business School Haruna Foothill Training Institute opened
- October
- In-house blow bottle molding machine introduced, operation commenced at the Wakayama plant
2015 |
- July
- International Food Safety Management System’s “FSSC 22000” obtained
2016 |
- January
- Founder Kiyoshi Aoki awarded the “Founders Award of Excellence” at the 33rd Excellent Business Manager Awards
- February
20th anniversary commemorative sculpture “Shizuku” completed (sculptor: Hidetoshi Takahama)
- April
- Full-scale operation of compact beverage container production commenced at the Wakayama plant
- April
- “Kokoro no Hu” (Haruna Group founder Kiyoshi Aoki) published serially in the Jomo Shimbun
2017 |
- February
- Supported Gunma Prefecture’s regional activation campaign “Gunma Ai Koko ni Ikiru”
- December
- Selected as a “Driving Company for the Regional Future” by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
2018 |
- April
- Haruna Group restructuring started
- April
- Absorption-type merger of Haruna Value Network and Haruna Joy Pack by Haruna Produce. Haruna Produce becomes successor company for Haruna’s sales, product planning and export and import businesses. Haruna becomes operating company specializing in brand management and overseas strategies for the development of the Haruna brand.
- April
- Long-term management vision announced
- December
- Became a member of the Japan Business Federation
2019 |
- January
- LNG Satellite Station introduced at the Wakayama plant
- January
- Operation starts for the Joint Steam Supply Scheme Business at the Tanigawa plant.
- March
- Capital tie-up sales starts with a Spanish distributor
- March
- Donated to Gunma prefecture’s Prefectural Foundation as part of issuing a private SDGs bond
- April
- Declared seven action plans for SDGs
- June
- Announced Mid-term plan “Haruna Vision2026”
2020 |
- February
- Crisis management commitee reinforce for infection control measures and disaster
- March
- Released promotion video collaborated with Gunma TV
- March
- Established Distrubution center in Takasaki
- March
- Donated to Gunma prefecture’s Prefectural Foundation as part of issuing a private SDGs bond
- April
- Haruna Total Reward started
- April
- Established eneral incorporated association Haruna Art Museum
2021 |
- February
- Issued “Haruna book” for 25th anniversary
- March
- Donated to Gunma prefecture’s Prefectural Foundation
- April
- Certificate renewal audit FSSC 22000
2022 |
- February
- Catch copy has determined by internal communication occupation
- March
- Started e-learning system
- April
- Supporting mineral water to Ukraine
- April
- Water bottling business started at a factory affiliated with JR East Cross Station
2023 |
- April
- Conclusion of business acquisition agreement for mineral water business of TOKYO ART Co., Ltd.
- July
- Mineral water business started at new company Haruna Water Inc.
- September
- Held the gathering to commemorate Kiyoshi Aoki, Haruna Group Founder
2024 |
- January
- Relief supplies for the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake
- January
- Renewal of logo design and completed trademark registration

- February
- Takasaki, Tanigawa, Wakayama, Matsukawa plant installed solar light
- March
- Haruna Group character “Bluepree” has selected by employee’s idea

- July
- Joined Keidanren Initiative for Biodiversity Conservation