Natthawee Supannawong
Haruna Asia Thailand
Haruna Asia Thailand
─ What is your job at Haruna Asia Thailand?
The main function is research and development product and responsible for finding factory and cooperating with factory for OEM. Moreover, I also support quality control function and FDA registration.
※FDAとは「Food and Drug Administration」の略称。「アメリカ食品医薬品局」
※FDAとは「Food and Drug Administration」の略称。「アメリカ食品医薬品局」
─ Why did you join Haruna Asia Thailand?
Before I joined Haruna Asia Thailand, I was working at company where main product was tomato juice and fruit juice for about 10years. Then, worked at infant milk powder company for 4 years. I received the offer through recruitment, at first when I heard name, I didn’t know Haruna Asia before, so I searched the company information on internet. After searching, I felt Haruna was a good factory in good location. I thought that I could learn many things from working here.
Haruna Asia に入社前はタイでトマトジュースやフルーツジュースを扱う会社で10年、幼児用粉ミルクの会社に約4年勤めていました。飲料という大きい枠組みの中はHarunaと一緒でした。その後にHaruna Asia という会社を就職エージェント経由で知り、最初は名前も初めて聞いたので調べてから興味を抱き、ここで働くことで多くのことが学べると思い、入社を決めました。

─ Who are the main stakeholders?
My stokehold are OEM factory and supplier. I also communicate with Haruna member in Japan to export the products. I need to take care many people to produce products, but I enjoy to working with them.
普段は主にOEM関連の工場とサプライヤー様と関わることが多いです。他には日本にいるHaruna のメンバーと輸出入のためにコミュニケーションをとることもありますね。社外の多くの人と関わり大変なこともありますが、お客様と一緒に働くことが楽しいです。

─ What have you learned through your job and what is your motivation?
I have been working at Haruna Asia for 4 years. I have gotten a lot of knowledge how to make good beverage such as tea RTD, sparkling drink and fruit smoothies. My motivation is Thai consumers to be satisfied Haruna products.
Haruna Asia で働き始めてから4年が経過しましたが、飲料の中でもこれまでに経験がなかったお茶のカテゴリーやスパーリング、フルーツスムージーなどについての新しい知識を得ることができて勉強になります。当社の商品がタイのお客様に満足いただけることが私のモチベーションになっています。
─ Could you please tell us a story which was tough situation and how did you get thorough the problem?
In Thailand, we do not have our own factory. Although the factories in Thailand are already of good standards, it is difficult to control the product quality to meet the Japanese standard, so I have to communicate with factory for them to understand our quality target. It is hard but I believe that factories in Thailand has potential to keep high quality.
─ What do you like to do in the future as a career?
I would like to develop Haruna products to become famous. It is well known and accept in Thai people.

My hobby is drawing, specially I really like drawing flowers. I feel concentrated and happy during the time. Sometimes I go to new café with my friends for testing new beverages and bakery because I would like to get new idea for developing new products.
